QuSoft is the Dutch research Center for Quantum Software and Technology, a joint collaboration between the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI). Our mission is to explore and develop uses of quantum computers and other quantum technologies, for the benefit of society. Our researchers develop algorithms, protocols, software and applications that exploit the extraordinary power of quantum computers based on their quantum mechanical properties, such as superposition, interference and entanglement. That requires fundamentally different techniques and approaches from those used to develop conventional software.
About 70 people are involved in QuSoft and we are continuously growing. We are an interdisciplinary research center, involving researchers from CWI and four institutes at UvA:
the Institute of Physics, the Institute of Logic, Language and Computation, the Informatics Institute, and the Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics.
The research is performed along five research lines:
- Quantum simulation and few-qubit applications,
- Quantum information science,
- Cryptography in a quantum world,
- Quantum algorithms and complexity,
- Quantum for society and business.